27 December, 2017

Christmas blessings

We had our first ever white Christmas in the Greensfelder. 6 inches of snow fell Christmas Eve and really turned the entire town of Logansport into a little patch of absolute heaven. There's nothing more beautiful than walking outside on a snow covered, sunny Christmas morning to feed your chickadees and cardinals to the tune of church bells tolling through the quiet winter air. It was very much like the opening scenes to a Disney epic.

But it brings me now to the knowledge that 2018 will be even better, that we have so much to do, so much to look forward to. We all know that even the best laid plans get messed up, but we can only hope and we have to be in it to win it.

Regardless... Here are the house plans for 2018;

  • Knocking out the back porch when the thaw comes. Rebuilding it as a stone seating area complete with outdoor fireplace, running a deck off it along the back elevation of the house. Koi pond going in where the Iris beds currently are. Irises will be moved to the front. Anyone wants a turn with a sledgehammer? We'll have beer and BBQ. You bring muscle. Aiming to have everything finished and ready for a 4th of July party.
  • Rebuilding front porch, lifting/leveling entire front yard through creation of stone retaining wall topped in period correct wrought iron fencing. Lovely gate. Proper planting to ensure gorgeous and dramatic front yard. Right now there's an IMPRESSIVE array of bulbs and lilies planted along the front as well as a small rose bush that we found. It appears to be a climbing variety... We'll need to preserve and protect her while not letting her continue vine damage that has already been inflicted to the current porch.
  • Redo entire exterior. Buh bye asphalt shingles, hello proper clapboard with gorgeous paint.
  • Garage is being torn down and rebuilt to become a stone 3 season studio, but a winter "habitat" for the Vindicator (our beastly land yacht; Ford F350). Current garage has serious structural issues and is too short/narrow to house the Vindicator. Studio will include a kiln and materials necessary for me to cast the effects I need to restore the exterior ginger breading.
  • Tree removal (my heart breaks) of very very sick old Maple that must go. She's easily as old as the house, but she's rotting away :/
  • Possible gravel driveway going through from Market st to alley (conversation with the city happening shortly) on East side of the house.
  • More landscaping.
  • Bathroom will be COMPLETELY remodeled. I already got a STEAL on a hand cut crystal chandelier that will be hung. Tub is being resealed, wood work stripped of paint and restained/sealed. Work has begun. Paint chosen. Expect photos soon.
  • Kitchen... Flag stone floors, cabinetry to to match the original wood staining through the house. Painted wood to be stripped, stained, sealed. Center aisle to be resized, new top to go in (torn between sealed/poured concrete or butcher block... Leaning towards concrete). Center aisle will boast 6 burner gas range. Paint scheme has been chosen.
  • All floors to be sealed/restored/finished
  • Did I say more landscaping?

And more... So... So much more.

I'm blessed that most of this can be done us. It pays to have some serious know how. Bigger projects are being farmed out to local contractors - so far no one seems  to be taking a bite on it... Thanks to the previous owner who ran up plenty of contractor liens and debts. It'll get done no matter what... If local sources don't want the pay day, we'll find someone out of Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, or Chicago that specializes in restorations. Your recommendations are ALWAYS appreciated!

12 December, 2017

"I did not celebrate the repeal last night..."

The other day it was snowing. The first accumulating snow in Logansport for the 2017 - 2018 Winter Season and we, predictably, spent the day inside by the fire. My mother and sister have moved into town with my nephew, taking up residence at a historic late period Victorian across the alley way and that snowy day was perfect for roasting a couple chickens and inviting everyone over into one place to just try and relax and play catch up. Of course... Things are never that simple when it comes to the Greensfelder. She has a mind of her own that I often attribute to one of her more prolific owners of the past. She whispers things to you, both grand and bizarre, and you'd be wise to listen. So far she's been slowly revealing her secrets like the sea reveals shells and bits of coral and things... But these secrets are hardly simple flotsam. They're treasures. Old coins, depression glass play tea sets, a vintage Paul Revere candle holder by Avon, a book on hallucinogenic plants hard bound, second addition, vintage... Oddly expensive (found under a radiator, no less), and now... This.

For some reason, the untouched ballroom, left in shambles as a storage area, called to us... And we listened. It was oddly warm up there even with the high only reaching the mid-twenties and it blowing snow outside. Very very warm, actually... Just testament to how wonderful the architecture of old really was. Anyway... We found things. We've only just barely scratched the surface, but we found things. Wondrous things. An old rocking chair, a matching baby cradle, tons of old Victorian Christmas decorations, clothes from the 1950s, photographs from the 50s, feminist movement paraphernalia (DOWN WITH NECKLINES!), match books from when that prolific old owner ran for office, a laundry list from the "Habana Hilton" pre-embargo Cuba, a wedding invitation meant to be mailed to Mr Rock Hudson (yep... THAT Rock Hudson), postage already on it, vintage dolls, lanterns, clocks, milk glass produced by Indiana Glass, more depression glass... Lord the list goes on and on...

But this... This stands out most of all; a telegram from Chicago dated 12/06/1933, the day after the repeal of prohibition (and talking about how the prohibition didn't affect anyone anyhow ;) ), sent back to grandma Greensfelder herself at the height of the great depression... Proving that even they weren't impervious to its wretched grasp.

It's my honor and pleasure to share it with you, this incredible glimpse into history;

In the words of Indiana Jones; this belongs in a museum. I plan on bringing it down to put on loan at the Cass County Historical Society in the New Year after I get a chance to show the other ladies on the board of the Logansport Historical Preservation Commission when we meet in early January. This is one of those once in a lifetime things and we all deserve a brief reminder of why we save these homes and buildings from becoming parking lots and apartments.

I wonder what new treasures will be uncovered as the snowy Hoosier winter continues and the house remains warm and happy enough to whisper sweet nothings in our ears as we continue to love her.

PS: The ornaments we have recovered are now on our family tree, and I swear I felt the house sigh in happiness. There was such an overwhelming sense of completion and contentment. I'm happy you're happy, old girl.